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Showing posts from April, 2016

Drupal 8 Data Migration Process

Drupal Data Migration process The  process  key of a migration configuration describes, property-by-property, how the destination is to be constructed from the source data. The value of the process key is an associative array, where each key is a destination property. The values associated with each key describe how the destination value is created. Core supports the most common cases with shorthands. Less common cases with a more verbose syntax and what can not be expressed in this way can be coded in a custom plugin. The shorthands Simple copying The  get plugin  is used to copy a value from a source property. Unlike all other process plugins, it can be used without being explicitly named. For example, to copy the value of the source property  subject  into the destination  title : process : title : subject Created by one plugin The destination might be created by one plugin (in addition to the implicit  get ). I...