Overview of web technologies used by Airbnb.com.
Website Background
Vacation Rentals, Homes, Apartments & Rooms for Rent - Airbnb
Rent unique accommodations from local hosts in 190+ countries. Feel at home anywhere you go in the world with Airbnb.
Description on Homepage
Number 413 of all websites according to Alexa
Popularity rank
Country | Visitors | Country Rank |
United States | 47.2% | 199 |
India | 4.6% | 1,457 |
China | 4.3% | 1,169 |
City | Visitors | City Rank |
New York, NY, US | 6.2% | 131 |
San Francisco, CA, US | 5.6% | 96 |
Los Angeles, CA, US | 4.6% | 138 |
Main visitors locations
JavaScript is a lightweight, object-oriented, cross-platform scripting language, mainly used within web pages.
JQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating and Ajax interaction. Originally developed by John Resig.
HTML5 is the fifth revision of the HTML standard.
UTF-8 (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format) is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode, which is backwards compatible with ASCII.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a lossy compression method suitable to store photographic images.
External Cascading Style Sheets define style rules in a separate CSS file.
Inline Cascading Style Sheets define style rules directly within an (X)HTML element using the style attribute.
Persistent cookies with an expiration time of up to 1 day.
Non-HttpOnly cookies are used in the HTTP protocol and also in client side scripts, which may be a security threat.
Non-secure cookies may be used via an unencrypted connections, which may be a security threat.
Gzip (GNU zip) is a file compression algorithm.
A weak ETag is an HTTP header field for validation of cached web pages, that indicates a semantically equivalent page in the cache.
SPDY (pronounced speedy) is a web protocol developed by Google, the basis for HTTP/2.
HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) defines a mechanism enabling web sites to declare themselves accessible only via secure connections.
DigiCert is an SSL certificate authority.
Nginx (pronounced as "engine X") is a lightweight open source web server developed by Igor Sysoev.
Amazon is a US-based e-commerce and cloud computing provider.
Akamai is a content delivery network.
Commercial entities
Technology Score
The technology score rates a site based on its technologies in a range from 0 to 100. It consists in a popularity score (how many sites use the same technologies), a traffic score (how much traffic have other sites using the same technologies) and a version score (how many sites use more recent technology versions). Quality alerts also affect the rating.
Total | Popularity | Traffic | Version | |
Technology Score | 62 | 64 | 62 | 41 |
Client-side Programming Languages | 75 | 100 | 51 | |
JavaScript Libraries | 73 | 98 | 49 | |
Markup Languages | 64 | 74 | 54 | |
SSL Certificate Authorities | 48 | 17 | 79 | |
Web Servers | 50 | 55 | 55 | 41 |
Reverse Proxy Services | 59 | 37 | 82 |
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